Album Review: Glory to the Order
We’ve waited a while for this but finally, the instrumental progressive metal duo that is Pathos & Logos have released their debut album, Glory to the Order!
Having wowed us over the past 18 months with previously released singles; Mergers & Acquisitions, Captains of Industry, Ministry of Defence and their cover of The Cure’s Lovesong. It seems a given that Glory to the Order will the band’s crowning ‘glory’. After all those 4 tracks are featured on the album with an additional 4 fresh offerings to enjoy.
We’re not going to repeat ourselves when it comes to the 4 tracks we’ve reviewed previously. If you want in depth analysis of them, you can read our individual thoughts by clicking on the titles above. Instead, we’re going to focus on the new stuff while paying attention to how the old and new songs fit together as an album.
Is it cohesive? Absolutely and unsurprisingly, Pathos & Logos have released one of 2020’s best albums. The duo are experts at making heavy progressive metal that is complex and interesting while being infinitely listenable.
The Obsidian Expanse hauntingly melodic and filled with these excellent bursts of guitar and drum heaviness. It’s an exceptionally good start and that is followed by the previously released singles just makes it even more electrifying. Each one a delightful offering from Pathos & Logos although personally, Ministry of Defence is the track everyone should at least check out.
The latter part of the record is all new stuff. Black Budget, Statement Redacted and Daedalus. A trio that thrill with roaring riff work, eclectic rhythms, fiery drums and more…much more. The pace of Black Budget and subtle effects gives it a very futuristic feel and the off-kilter melodic switch up is intriguing. Statement Redacted is expansive and calming at times while Daedalus is such an epic way to close.
Simply brilliant.
-Carl Fisher